Driving Innovation and Collaboration: A recap of TrekkSoft Group’s Empowering Company Retreat

At TrekkSoft Group, we believe in the power of collaboration and knowledge sharing to drive growth in the tourism industry. In April 2023, TrekkSoft Group organized its 7th company retreat, hosted by Giant Monkey in Berlin. As an empowering event that brought together 30 attendees from 5 business units across Europe, the retreat was a remarkable opportunity to share knowledge and explore key topics in the presence of industry experts. Join us as we unveil the highlights of this event and our dedication to fostering growth and best practice.

During the 3-day retreat, we delved into a range of key topics for the SaaS tourism industry. Attendees had the opportunity to explore subjects such as benchmarking KPIs, implementing dynamic pricing strategies, leveraging marketplace upselling techniques, and gaining insights into the CRM funnel.

Additionally, we introduced a new element to this year’s retreat – a dedicated breakout track focused on in-depth workshops covering system scalability, platform security, feature management, and optimizing booking conversion rates. These sessions provided participants with actionable takeaways to drive their businesses forward.

While this post doesn’t go into detail on each topic, we invite potential partners to connect with us for further discussions and take-aways.

“I was truly impressed by the level of expertise and knowledge shared during the workshops. The collaborative environment created by TrekkSoft Group made it easy to connect with like-minded professionals and gain insights that I am excited to apply at Digitickets.”

Rich Booker, MD Digitickets

Beyond the collaborative sessions, the retreat provided ample time for networking and forging meaningful connections. Attendees were able to connect with industry peers and SaaS experts, exchange ideas, and explore potential synergies that can drive mutual growth and success. One-on-one sessions further allowed us to discuss potential synergies and explore how our businesses can align and thrive together in the dynamic SaaS tourism landscape.

To inspire our participants, Giant Monkey organized a special visit to one of its hallmark customers, offering a unique opportunity to witness their innovative products in a live environment.  

As we move forward, we invite like-minded businesses in the SaaS tourism space to explore partnership opportunities with TrekkSoft Group. Together, we can drive innovation, optimize operations, and create transformative solutions that shape the future of the tourism industry.

Are you interested in joining the next Company Retreat, April 15-16 2024 in Freiburg?

TrekkSoft Group: Your Safe Haven for Growth

TrekkSoft Group is committed to providing a long-term “safe haven” for SMEs offering software solutions in the tourism industry, with a “buy and hold forever” strategy. We are highly decentralized and do not enforce synergies, but nurture opportunities. Our team comprises entrepreneurial founders with a successful track record in the software industry, as well as long term-motivated shareholders supported by Swiss family offices. With our expertise, we aim to empower acquired companies and facilitate their further development. We understand the unique challenges and opportunities in the SaaS tourism space and are eager to work collaboratively to drive innovation and growth.